Alexis Herman Quotes

"To me, it is a process, a process that starts with raising awareness, engaging international partners on this issue, and being committed to a different course of action."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Action, Awareness, Being)

"Well, I tell young people to be successful today that, first of all, that what you learn today directly impacts what you earn tomorrow. This is a knowledge-based economy."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: People, Knowledge, Successful, Economy, First, Today, Tomorrow)

"We have had actually a decline in government service overall, but the growth is in high-tech areas, specialty areas in the Labor Department and other departments."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Government, Growth, Labor, Service)

"Unlike any other time in our history, we have to know that staying in school and getting an education is the most important thing you can do."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Education, Time, History, School)

"This can not be about a race to the bottom."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Race)

"The public sector certainly includes the Department of Labor. Those are jobs that are available. They are open and they are good paying jobs. The government as a whole has been actually retrenching under President Clinton's leadership."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Government, Leadership, Jobs, Labor, Open, President, Public)

"Really, the potential for, first of all, any college graduate today is enormously good. These are good times for anyone with a college degree today, particularly African Americans. With a college degree today, you really breach the unemployment rate."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: African, Americans, College, First, Potential, Today, Unemployment)

"It is very important that our young people have constructive early work experiences. But it is equally important that their jobs are safe and complement their education, rather than complete it."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Work, Education, People, Jobs)

"If we can't begin to agree on fundamentals, such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labor, then we really are not ready to march forward into the future."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Future, Labor, March)

"Education is important because, first of all, people need to know that discrimination still exists. It is still real in the workplace, and we should not take that for granted."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Education, People, Discrimination, First)

"But the real growth I must say in terms of the public sector for the Labor Department is really at state and local levels. That's where the real opportunities are today."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Growth, Labor, Public, State, Today)

"The fact of the matter is, this is a very dynamic economy we have, and in this dynamic economy, you have a lot of job gains, but you also have job loss."
- Alexis Herman
(Related: Economy, Fact, Job, Loss)