Chris Burke Quotes

"Having Down syndrome is like being born normal. I am just like you and you are just like me. We are all born in different ways, that is the way I can describe it. I have a normal life."
- Chris Burke
(Related: Life, Being)

"Don't give up on the child. Give the child an education. Give them daily love."
- Chris Burke
(Related: Love, Education)

"To have my fan club. I am very proud of doing everything. I try to support my parents, friends and fans. I am also proud of my performing in the visual arts, and motion television."
- Chris Burke
(Related: Fans, Friends, Parents, Support, Television)

"I was like Gene Kelly, it was called singing in the rain. No seriously, I wasn't really born with a singing voice, but my friends Joe and John taught me how to sing."
- Chris Burke
(Related: Friends, Rain, Singing, Voice)