John Leeson Quotes

"No, I'm at full height, I'm in the studio, I can actually catch actors by the eye, it's fantastic."
- John Leeson
(Related: Actors, Eye)

"Martin Jarvis was to have played the part originally but I think I had longer hair or something, I know not."
- John Leeson
(Related: Hair, Martin)

"It was just at the end of the golden era of BBC comedy, which was fantastic."
- John Leeson
(Related: Comedy, End)

"It couldn't sound like a dog, because K9 isn't a dog, but I made it sound as mechanical as possible."
- John Leeson
(Related: Sound)

"Got through it without fluffing, that's the main thing any actor can hope for."
- John Leeson
(Related: Hope, Actor)

"But here I am today recording this and I'm in the studio with all the others on a clean mic. It's extraordinary, the actor's found a way of doing it for himself."
- John Leeson
(Related: Actor, Today)

"I was lucky enough myself to have been in Dad's Army for an episode."
- John Leeson
(Related: Dad, Army)