Louise Brooks Quotes

"Every actor has a natural animosity toward every other actor, present or absent, living or dead."
- Louise Brooks
(Related: Actor, Living, Present)

"There is no other occupation in the world that so closely resembled enslavement as the career of a film star."
- Louise Brooks
(Related: Career, Film, Occupation, World)

"Most beautiful dumb girls think they are smart and get away with it, because other people, on the whole, aren't much smarter."
- Louise Brooks
(Related: People, Dumb, Girls)

"In my dreams I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance."
- Louise Brooks
(Related: Dreams, Dance)

"I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away."
- Louise Brooks
(Related: Wishing)

"I have a gift for enraging people, but if I ever bore you it will be with a knife."
- Louise Brooks
(Related: People, Will)