Sean Paul Quotes

"Sometimes you have to take a break from being a crazy kid. You can't be doing that all the time. Sometimes you just have to pay respect to your own simple-ness."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Time, Being, Respect)

"Please remember we all come from the same one and we will all return to that one, so there is no reason for fighting."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Fighting, Reason, Will)

"My lyrics come from my experiences growing up in life, trying to find out and express who I am. That's basically it. I'm not trying to be a prophet or anything like that. I'm just reflecting on life."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Life, Growing up, Trying)

"Music is your own talent and is an important tool. Even if you don't want to be a role model, get ready to be in the public eye. Energy is there, you just have to use it."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Music, Talent, Energy, Eye, Public, Want)

"I would like to work with anyone in the business who wants to give respect back to the Jamaican vibe."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Business, Work, Respect)

"I do feel I have a responsibility to the youths. For real."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Responsibility)

"I think kids should have a mentor and a role model, but that they shouldn't take one person's opinion to be what we call final assessment or judgment about how life is supposed to be."
- Sean Paul
(Related: Life, Judgment, Kids, Opinion)