Wally Lamb Quotes

"I love the most the students with troubled lives."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Love, Students)

"When I was a kid, I was surrounded by girls: older sisters, older girl cousins just down the street... except for an older boy named Vito who threw rocks. Each year I would wish for a baby brother. It never happened."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Brother, Baby, Sisters)

"The roundness of life's design may be a sign that there is a presence beyond ourselves."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Design, Life, May)

"Love comes in far more shapes and sizes than what the family-values crowd condones, of course."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Love, Family)

"I think I write fiction for the opportunity to get beyond the limits of my own life."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Life, Opportunity, Fiction, Limits)

"I like to write first-person because I like to become the character I'm writing."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Character, First, Writing)

"I like to be surprised. The best writing is when it defies me, when it starts going a different way than I had planned."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Writing)

"Human behavior in the midst of hardship caught my attention very early on, and my first stories were all pictures, no words."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Attention, Behavior, First, Hardship, Words)

"However far fiction writers stray from their own lives and experiences - and I stray pretty far from mine - I think, ultimately, that we may be writing what we need to write in some way, albeit unconsciously."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Fiction, May, Pretty, Writers, Writing)

"Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Love, People)

"When I was a kid... I needed to belong."
- Wally Lamb
"As my early drawings warned me, where humans go, lions and tidal waves follow."
- Wally Lamb
"I wanted to connect a modern story with a myth that I had read."
- Wally Lamb
(Related: Myth)