Carl Barks Quotes

"I always felt myself to be an unlucky person like Donald, who is a victim of so many circumstances. But there isn't a person in the United States who couldn't identify with him. He is everything, he is everybody; he makes the same mistakes that we all make."
- Carl Barks
(Related: Circumstances, Mistakes, states, United)

"I've always looked upon the Ducks as caricature human beings. Perhaps I've been years writing in that middle world that J.R.R. Tolkien describes, and never knew it."
- Carl Barks
(Related: World, Writing, Years)

"I read some of my stories recently and thought, 'How in the hell did I get away with that?' I had some really raw cynicism in some of them."
- Carl Barks
(Related: Thought, Cynicism, Hell)

"I enjoyed doing the gag covers better than the story ones because they were usually simpler. A cover based on an incident in the plot took a great deal of staging to tell a little story that was still part of the book. And it had to make sense on its own."
- Carl Barks
(Related: Sense)

"There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face."
- Carl Barks
(Related: Life, Difference)