Guy Lafleur Quotes
"It's nice to see the young ones 7, 8, 9 years old. It seems like they know you through their parents."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Old, Parents, Years)
"Play every game as if it is your last one."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Play)
"That's why I made a comeback in 1988. I knew there were chances of not making it, but I didn't want to end up at sixty years old and say I should have tried when I was thirty-eight."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: End, Old, Want, Years)
"The crowd doesn't give a crap as long as you bring the money in."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Money)
"The players wanted more money, higher salary caps and they didn't have that family relationship we felt with the players. Mentally, the players were more businesslike."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Family, Money)
"I would compare that to when I first started with the Montreal Canadiens; it was a big family then, where the guys really stuck together and worked like a unit. But when I came back in '88, it was not like that anymore."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Family, First)
"A lot of the players are not involved with any NHL team, so to play and travel around with the Oldtimers' it's a kind of gift that the players really appreciate."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Travel, Play)
"The day you hear someone call me captain will be the day I buy a boat."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Day, Will)
"After 13 years, I couldn't accept to be number two."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Years)
"Anyway, I've never been captain in 16 years in the NHL. But that didn't stop me being a leader in my own way."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Leader, Being, Years)
"Go ahead, work hard and never be afraid to try something. Even if you don't make it, at least you can say you tried."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Work)
"I realized that my family was more important to me than downtown night life."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Family, Life, Night)
"I think it was always there and it was maybe a matter of bringing it out. It was harder than I thought it would be and I had to try harder. I had to regain my confidence, maybe the most important thing. I have learned a lot to relax. I know what I can do now, and I do it."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Thought, Confidence, Now, Relax)
"I was working on the farm to get in shape, about a mile away from my parents. You know, I did everything as a kid to stay in shape - jogging, work on the farm, driving the tractor. I'll never forget."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Work, Driving, Forget, Parents)
"When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Family, Trouble)
"Well, it's always nice to know the fans didn't forget what you did when you played in the NHL."
- Guy Lafleur
(Related: Fans, Forget)