Judy Woodruff Quotes
"Every news organization should ideally be as broadly representative as possible."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: News)
"If image is everything, how can the Democratic presidential hopefuls compete with a President fresh from a war victory."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: War, Victory, President)
"It's always unfortunate when a reporter is sent behind bars for failing to turn over sources. There's no way to say what the long-term outcome will be."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: Will)
"Politics is in my blood. I'd love to be involved in 2008, maybe even '06."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: Love, Politics, Blood)
"There have been trade-offs every day, every month, every year. There's a lot that I missed and I do have regrets in that area. But I have been able to bring to my family the richness of being a journalist."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: Family, Being, Day, Richness, Trade)
"We decided to focus on women because no one was singling them out."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: Women, Focus)
"I've never seen Washington as divided as we are right now."
- Judy Woodruff
(Related: Now, Right, Washington)