Kim Wilde Quotes
"My parents have a wonderful marriage, for many years. But I can't commit myself for such a long time."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Time, Marriage, Parents, Years)
"You need a bit more to be a pop star than just a good voice."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Voice)
"When you're together with someone for some time, you will automatically depend on them as if they were a crutch. And then it ends."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Time, Will)
"When I was 15, I was naive, looked like a grey mouse and felt second choice."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Choice, Mouse)
"The record company really pissed me off when they told me to lose weight. I couldn't be bothered with looking a certain way. So I left the business. I don't regret it."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Business, Company, Regret, Weight)
"Sex does not exist for me at all. I haven't had a boyfriend for a long time. There were only three or four in my life up until now anyway."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Life, Time, Sex, Boyfriend, Now)
"Real talent will get through whatever the obstacles."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Talent, Obstacles, Will)
"Performing, I can take it or leave it. Horticulture is far more challenging. I'm absolutely fascinated by it."
- Kim Wilde
"People want performers, personality and drama, and you got that in the ."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: People, Drama, Personality, Want)
"My tears of love are a waste of time if I turn away."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Love, Time, Tears, Waste)
"I do know what my family has done for me, but they do need to give me some space to let me be myself. There would be some things I would handle differently."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Family, Space)
"Careers don't seem to be built up in the same way as they were in the 80s."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Careers)
"I didn't spend much time in America, which probably was a mistake. To someone else, having a number one in America would be enough to get them touring."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Time, Mistake, America)
"I don't take myself seriously any more. Sometimes I just garden in my knickers and platform shoes."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Garden)
"I still tune in to the radio and listen to pop music and enjoy it as much as I ever have."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Music)
"I signed up for the musical Tommy in the West End, where I met my husband."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: HusbEnd)
"My life is so full of surprises, nothing surprises me any more."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Life, Nothing, Surprises)
"I want to conquer the world and it seems like my own family is putting a stop to that."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Family, Want, World)
"I was very, very fortunate. I knew that. I've always known that."
- Kim Wilde
"My father has taught me all the tricks of the boys at an early age, which has made me very careful."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Age, Father, Boys)
"Dad is my best mate and I can tell Mum absolutely anything. I really appreciate Mum and Dad. Why are we so close? Young parents, I think. The rock business keeps their minds young."
- Kim Wilde
(Related: Business, Dad, Parents)