Malcolm Boyd Quotes
"I have osteoarthritis, which especially affects my knees."
- Malcolm Boyd
"Jesus is an example. We have other examples, including many of our ancestors as role models who understood the inner meaning of our orientation."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Example, Meaning)
"Also, I walk and hike in several different nearby parks near our home several early mornings a week."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Home)
"I find Jesus my confidant and companion, brother and savior; our relationship is intimate, vulnerable, demanding yet comfortable and reassuring."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Brother)
"Real answers need to be found in dialogue and interaction and, yes, our shared human condition. This means being open to one another instead of simply fighting to maintain a prescribed position."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Answers, Being, Fighting, Open)
"Our essential differences from the norm are both huge and deeply offensive to those among us who wish to be quietly integrated into society without particular reference to our nature."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Nature, Society)
"Yet through history gays have always dominated religious life and churches."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: History, Life, Churches, Religious)
"Seriously, however, I learn a lot about my physical life in the aging and changing of my body."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Life, Body)
"By my definition, prayer is consciously hanging out with God. Being with God in a deliberate way."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: God, Being, Prayer)
"I feel that I communicate best when I am not deliberately being linear. Along this same line, I feel some of the best sermons I've ever heard were in the theatre rather than the pulpit - as, for example, in the Theatre of the Absurd."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Being, Example, Sermons, Theatre)
"However one might pray - in any verbal way or completely without words - is unimportant to God. What matters is the heart's intent."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: God, Heart, Words)
"Five days a week I drive from our home to the Episcopal Cathedral Center of Los Angeles where I have an office, my computer, and a wonderful sense of community - especially nurtured by the presence of several younger gay men and women who are good friends."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Home, Men, Women, Community, Computer, Friends, Gay, Office, Sense)
"But generally I am fine with a capital F; probably in extraordinary shape for a man of my age."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Age, Man)
"Entrenched scriptural literalism is, in my opinion, completely out of touch with reality."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Opinion, Reality)
"Speaking for myself, my very integrity as a human being needs to include my freedom to explore who I am both spiritually and sexually. Not just to explore - but to practice."
- Malcolm Boyd
(Related: Being, Freedom, Integrity, Needs, Practice)