Mario Lemieux Quotes
"A month before the season I stop putting ketchup on my french fries."
- Mario Lemieux
"All I can say to the young players is, enjoy every moment of it. Just enjoy every moment of it. Your career goes by very quickly."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Career)
"As I've said, in 2007, we're free to go and we'll just have to do what's best for the business."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Business)
"Depending on how we start the season, I can play center or wing... It doesn't matter to me."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Play)
"Everybody I talked to - from my friends to my family and some of the players - really gave me a lot of support from the start. And that certainly made me feel good about trying to come back and be one of the best again."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Family, Friends, Support, Trying)
"He's only 4 years old, so I don't think he realized, you know, that I played so many years. Of course, we watch tapes here from the Stanley Cup years, but I don't think he realized how many years I played."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Old, Years)
"I can no longer play at a level I was accustomed to in the past."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Past, Play)
"I didn't like the way the game was being played."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Being)
"I didn't speak English until I came to Pittsburgh."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: English)
"I think people in Montreal smoke a lot, and I used to smoke when I was 17-18, and just picked it up when I was playing juniors. But I think I stopped when I was 22, which was a big decision in my life."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Life, People, Decision)
"I'm only 35, and I felt that the time was right to try to come back and have a chance for him to see me play."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Time, Chance, Play, Right)
"I don't try to match wine with food, I just drink what I like. And I think a lot of people are going towards that now, which never used to be in the past."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Food, People, Now, Past, Wine)
"It's up to the community now to decide if they want to keep this team."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Community, Now, Want)
"My body's feeling it a little bit. But one good thing, my back is in good shape, and that's my main concern. I know that my legs are going to take awhile to get back to where I was a few years ago, but as long as my back is solid, I feel that I can play many years."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Body, Concern, Feeling, Play, Years)
"Of course, my family has been a big reason for me to come back, especially my son who loves the game of hockey - he was a big reason for me coming back."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Family, Son, Reason)
"Oh, I did stop smoking a long time ago."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Time, Smoking)
"Once I'm at the arena with the guys in the dressing room, and in the bus, and on the plane, I'm a player. And I sit in the back with the players and I play cards and try to take their money."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Money, Cards, Play)
"One thing I hate is people screaming at me. If you want me to do something, talk to me."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: People, Hate, Talk, Want)
"Since the beginning, I always loved the game. When you grow up in Montreal, one day you want to be a professional hockey player. When I was six or seven, I knew that was what I wanted."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Beginning, Day, Want)
"The first few games that we played against some of the teams, the young guys, you know, want a stick sign or photo sign, and I think that they respect what I have achieved throughout my career."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Career, First, Games, Respect, Want)
"We feel that, with Sidney, we have a great opportunity over the next few years to put a great team on the ice. We're prepared to lose some money along the way. Eventually we're going to need some help."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Money, Opportunity, Help, Years)
"Well, I think just a desire to come back and be a part of the game again."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Desire)
"When I'm able to see the ice ahead of time when I get the puck, I'm able to make some pretty good plays."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Time, Pretty)
"When someone screams at me to hurry up, I slow down."
- Mario Lemieux
"I think the game has opened up, and that's why I decided to come back and try to be a part of it."
- Mario Lemieux
"I think that with a lot of hard work and dedication, I feel that I could be the best in the world. I'm still only 35 years old... I have a fresh start physically and mentally, and I feel that I can achieve my goal to be the best again."
- Mario Lemieux
(Related: Work, Goal, Dedication, Hard work, Old, World, Years)