Mary Harris Jones Quotes
"I nursed men back to sanity who were driven to despair. I solicited clothes for the ragged children, for the desperate mothers. I laid out the dead, the martyrs of the strike."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Men, Children, Clothes, Despair, Martyrs, Mothers, Sanity)
"I have always advised men to read."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Men)
"Life comes to the miners out of their deaths, and death out of their lives."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Death, Life)
"Not all the coal that is dug warms the world."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: World)
"My address is like my shoes. It travels with me."
- Mary Harris Jones
"Out of labor's struggle in Arizona came better conditions for the workers, who must everywhere, at all times, under advantage and disadvantage work out their own salvation."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Work, Labor, Salvation, Struggle, Workers)
"Men's hearts are cold. They are indifferent."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Men)
"Little girls and boys, barefooted, walked up and down between the endless rows of spindles, reaching thin little hands into the machinery to repair snapped threads."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Boys, Girls)
"What is a good enough principle for an American citizen ought to be good enough for the working man to follow."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: American, Man)
"I asked a man in prison once how he happened to be there and he said he had stolen a pair of shoes. I told him if he had stolen a railroad he would be a United States Senator."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Man, Prison, states, United)
"I am not unaware that leaders betray, and sell out, and play false."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Leaders, Play)
"And who is responsible for this appalling child slavery? Everyone."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Slavery)
"Sometimes it seemed to me I could not look at those silent little figures; that I must go north, to the grim coal fields, to the Rocky Mountain camps, where the labor fight is at least fought by grown men."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Men, Fight, Labor)
"Sit down and read. Educate yourself for the coming conflicts."
- Mary Harris Jones
"Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Education, Journey)
"I am not blind to the shortcomings of our own people."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: People, Blind)
"I want to hold a series of meetings all over the country and get the facts before the American people."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: People, American, Country, Facts, Meetings, Want)
"I am not an anti to anything which will bring freedom to my class."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Class, Freedom, Will)
"I would fight God Almighty Himself if He didn't play square with me."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: God, Fight, Play)
"I am not afraid of the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Pen)
"I am Mother Jones. The Government can't take my life and you can't take my arm, but you can take my suitcase."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Government, Life, Mother)
"I abide where there is a fight against wrong."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Fight, Wrong)
"God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Women, God, Ladies)
"Today the white child is sold for two dollars a week to the manufacturers."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Today)
"You must stand for free speech in the streets."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Free speech)
"I went West and took part in the strike of the machinists - the Southern Pacific Railroad, the corporation that swung California by its golden tail, that controlled its legislature, its farmers, its preachers, its workers."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Workers)
"I was born in revolution."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Revolution)
"What one state could not get alone, what one miner against a powerful corporation could not achieve, can be achieved by the union."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: State)
"You know I took an oath to tell the truth when I took the witness stand."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Truth)
"In Georgia where children work day and night in the cotton mills they have just passed a bill to protect song birds. What about the little children from whom all song is gone?"
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Work, Birds, Children, Day, Night, Song)
"I'm not afraid of the press or the Militia."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Press)
"I'm not a humanitarian. I'm a hell-raiser."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Hell)
"I will tell the truth wherever I please."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Truth, Will)
"I believe that movements to suppress wrongs can be carried out under the protection of our flag."
- Mary Harris Jones
(Related: Protection, Wrongs)