Michael Wilbon Quotes
"Greenies have been part of the clubhouse culture longer than card games."
- Michael Wilbon
(Related: Culture, Games)
"People here don't identify themselves by their sports team."
- Michael Wilbon
(Related: Sports, People)
"Players suffer coaching changes all the time; it's life in the NFL."
- Michael Wilbon
(Related: Life, Time, Coaching)
"Sports don't define us; it is not what we live for."
- Michael Wilbon
(Related: Sports)
"What we've seen this season is that if something that will enhance performance is available, some players will indulge... unless the penalty is an absolute deterrent."
- Michael Wilbon
(Related: Performance, Will)
"Both of us played basketball, and I played tennis and my knees are done. Now if you ask us head-to-head who wins at golf, I'm asking for a couple of strokes."
- Michael Wilbon
(Related: Basketball, Golf, Now, Tennis)