Nikki Giovanni Quotes
"Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Life, Error, Fact, Mistakes)
"When you are skinning your customers, you should leave some skin on to grow again so that you can skin them again."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Skin)
"We write because we believe the human spirit cannot be tamed and should not be trained."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Spirit)
"We love because it's the only true adventure."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Love, Adventure)
"We eat up artists like there's going to be a famine at the end."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Artists, End, Famine)
"There're two people in the world that are not likeable: a master and a slave."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: People, World)
"You must invent your own games and teach us old ones how to play."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Games, Old, Play)
"Sacred cows make very poor gladiators."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Cows, Poor)
"If now isn't a good time for the truth I don't see when we'll get to it."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Time, Truth, Now)
"If I could come back as anything - I'd be a bird, first, but definitely the command key is my second choice."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Choice, First, Key)
"I think one of the nicest things that we created as a generation was just the fact that we could say, 'Hey, I don't like white people.'"
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: People, Fact)
"I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Life, Failure, Mind)
"Everything will change. The only question is growing up or decaying."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Change, Growing up, Question, Will)
"Art is not for the cultivated taste. It is to cultivate taste."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Art, Taste)
"A lot of people refuse to do things because they don't want to go naked, don't want to go without guarantee. But that's what's got to happen. You go naked until you die."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: People, Want)
"Some say we are responsible for those we love. Others know we are responsible for those who love us."
- Nikki Giovanni
(Related: Love)
"If you don't understand yourself you don't understand anybody else."
- Nikki Giovanni