Roger Mudd Quotes
"The relationship between press and politician - protected by the Constitution and designed to be happily adversarial - becomes sour, raw and confrontational."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Constitution, Press)
"The networks found themselves having to compete for an increasingly Balkanized audience."
- Roger Mudd
"The ethics of editorial judgement, however, began to go though a sea change during the late 1970s and '80s when the Carter and Reagan Administrations de-regulated the television industry."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Change, Ethics, Sea, Television)
"Sexual behavior was also generally considered off limits."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Behavior, Limits)
"No matter what name we give it or how we judge it, a candidate's character is central to political reporting because it is central to a citizen's decision in voting."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Character, Decision, Name, Voting)
"The written tone and the spoken tone change and the reporters' disbelief in the veracity of the government spreads to the readers and the viewers."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Change, Government)
"Given what the media have put the country through this past decade, it must come as a surprise to most Americans that the press has a code of ethics."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Americans, Country, Ethics, Media, Past, Press)
"For decades, the journalistic norm had been that the private lives of public officials remained private unless that life impinged on public performance."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Life, Performance, Public)
"But the time has come for journalists to acknowledge that a zone of privacy does exist."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Time, Privacy, Zone)
"As electronic journalism came to be evaluated for its cost effectiveness, the network world began breaking up."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Journalism, Network, World)
"And what it depends on, of course, is whether the story itself is worth the ethical compromise it requires and whether the competition is onto the story."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Competition, Compromise, Worth)
"Journalists, who are skeptical to begin with, simply do not like to be lied to or made fools of."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Fools)
"Most journalists now believe that a person's privacy zone gets smaller and smaller as the person becomes more and more powerful."
- Roger Mudd
(Related: Now, Privacy, Zone)