Rose Wilder Lane Quotes

"As novices, we think we're entirely responsible for the way people treat us. I have long since learned that we are responsible only for the way we treat people."
- Rose Wilder Lane
(Related: People)

"I came out of the Soviet Union no longer a communist, because I believed in personal freedom."
- Rose Wilder Lane
(Related: Freedom)

"Making the best of things is... a damn poor way of dealing with them. My whole life has been a series of escapes from that quicksand."
- Rose Wilder Lane
(Related: Life, Poor)

"Writing fiction is... an endless and always defeated effort to capture some quality of life without killing it."
- Rose Wilder Lane
(Related: Life, Quality, Effort, Fiction, Killing, Writing)

"The real protection of life and property, always and everywhere."
- Rose Wilder Lane
(Related: Life, Property, Protection)