William Osler Quotes
"He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all."
- William Osler
(Related: Books, Medicine, Sea)
"What is the student but a lover courting a fickle mistress who ever eludes his grasp?"
- William Osler
"We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life."
- William Osler
(Related: Life)
"The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well."
- William Osler
(Related: Work, Preparation, Today, Tomorrow)
"Variability is the law of life, and as no two faces are the same, so no two bodies are alike, and no two individuals react alike and behave alike under the abnormal conditions which we know as disease."
- William Osler
(Related: Life, Disease, Faces, Law)
"To study the phenomena of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all."
- William Osler
(Related: Books, Disease, Study)
"The value of experience is not in seeing much, but in seeing wisely."
- William Osler
(Related: Experience, Value)
"There is no more difficult art to acquire than the art of observation, and for some men it is quite as difficult to record an observation in brief and plain language."
- William Osler
(Related: Art, Men, Language, Observation)
"It is much simpler to buy books than to read them and easier to read them than to absorb their contents."
- William Osler
(Related: Books)
"There are, in truth, no specialties in medicine, since to know fully many of the most important diseases a man must be familiar with their manifestations in many organs."
- William Osler
(Related: Truth, Man, Medicine)
"The young physician starts life with 20 drugs for each disease, and the old physician ends life with one drug for 20 diseases."
- William Osler
(Related: Life, Disease, Drugs, Old)
"The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it."
- William Osler
(Related: Success, First, Occupation)
"The natural man has only two primal passions, to get and to beget."
- William Osler
(Related: Man)
"The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow."
- William Osler
(Related: Age, Wisdom, Foolishness, Tomorrow, Yesterday)
"To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals - this alone is worth the struggle."
- William Osler
(Related: Effort, Ideals, Struggle, Worth)
"Observe, record, tabulate, communicate. Use your five senses. Learn to see, learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell, and know that by practice alone you can become expert."
- William Osler
(Related: Practice, Senses)
"The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals."
- William Osler
(Related: Animals, Desire, Man, Medicine)
"The first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine."
- William Osler
(Related: First, Medicine)
"The future is today."
- William Osler
(Related: Future, Today)
"The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease."
- William Osler
(Related: Disease)
"The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism."
- William Osler
(Related: Ignorance)
"In seeking absolute truth we aim at the unattainable and must be content with broken portions."
- William Osler
(Related: Truth, Content)
"One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine."
- William Osler
(Related: First, Medicine)
"It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has."
- William Osler
(Related: Disease)
"No human being is constituted to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and even the best of men must be content with fragments, with partial glimpses, never the full fruition."
- William Osler
(Related: Men, Truth, Being, Content, Nothing)
"No bubble is so iridescent or floats longer than that blown by the successful teacher."
- William Osler
(Related: Successful)
"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability."
- William Osler
(Related: Art, Science, Medicine, Uncertainty)
"Look wise, say nothing, and grunt. Speech was given to conceal thought."
- William Osler
(Related: Thought, Nothing, Speech)
"Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants."
- William Osler
(Related: Common sense, Water)