Quotes and Sayings about Afghanistan
"Romania will continue to fulfil its obligations in Afghanistan and Iraq."
- Traian Basescu
(Related: Afghanistan, Iraq, Will)
"Military hardliners called me a 'security threat' for promoting peace in South Asia and for supporting a broad-based government in Afghanistan."
- Benazir Bhutto
(Related: Government, Peace, Afghanistan, Military)
"This is now a global war on terror and, indeed, it is important, it is imperative that we win in the battles in Afghanistan and that we win in the battles in Iraq. And as the gentleman from Georgia has mentioned, this is not something that is going to be quick and easy."
- Marsha Blackburn
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Gentleman, Iraq, Now, Quick, Terror)
"America has survived and grown stronger through September 11th and subsequent wars with Afghanistan and Iraq and those who seek to do us harm. We have faced - and met - tremendous challenges ramping up a public health and safety system to protect Americans from future threats."
- Christopher Bond
(Related: Health, Afghanistan, America, Americans, Future, Harm, Iraq, Public, Safety)
"I am now concerned with women's issues in a different way: women from Afghanistan, from Cambodia."
- Emma Bonino
(Related: Women, Afghanistan, Now)
"You know, I wish the world well. I want Iraq to have democracy and the Haitians to have democracy. I want the people of Afghanistan to thrive. Lord knows, we spend enough money there to help them. What about people at home? Isn't that our first responsibility?"
- Barbara Boxer
(Related: Money, People, Home, Afghanistan, Democracy, First, Help, Iraq, Responsibility, Want, World)
"The events of September 11 and what has happened since have made people understand that even a small, distant and far away country like Afghanistan cannot be left to break up into anarchy and chaos without consequences for the whole world."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Anarchy, Chaos, Consequences, Country, Events, World)
"Several million people inside and outside Afghanistan are destitute and desperately in need of help."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Help)
"However, it does seem now that the international community, more importantly the powers that have influence, and, even more importantly, Afghanistan's neighbors realize that it is high time that they work together, and not against one another."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Time, Work, Afghanistan, Community, Influence, Neighbors, Now)
"The third point is that for some time the UN has been talking about helping Afghanistan in the reconstruction of the country but there has never been any real commitment by the international community to provide resources for that."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Time, Afghanistan, Commitment, Community, Country, Talking)
"But you are absolutely right that when the international community decides to help in a meaningful manner a country like Afghanistan, then coordination between the various actors that are involved in these processes is very, very difficult indeed."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Actors, Afghanistan, Community, Country, Help, Right)
"But I knew that what had happened was an eye-opener not only to the United States but also to Pakistan, who realized that after what has happened on the 11th of September, it was simply impossible to continue to play those games in Afghanistan."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Afghanistan, Eye, Games, Play, states, United)
"Afghanistan is a land-locked country."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Afghanistan, Country, Land)
"A fly cannot go in unless it stops somewhere; therefore weapons, fuel, food, money will not go to Afghanistan unless the neighbors of Afghanistan are working, are cooperating, either being themselves the origin or the transit."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Money, Food, Afghanistan, Being, Neighbors, Weapons, Will)
"To leave Afghanistan as a playground for terrorists and adventurers was simply not possible anymore."
- Lakhdar Brahimi
(Related: Afghanistan)
"According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979."
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
(Related: History, Afghanistan, Army)
"The men and women of Afghanistan are building a nation that is free, and proud, and fighting terror - and America is honored to be their friend."
- George W. Bush
(Related: Men, Women, Friend, Afghanistan, America, Building, Fighting, Nation, Terror)
"I believe in the transformational power of liberty. I believe that the free Iraq is in this nation's interests. I believe a free Afghanistan is in this nation's interest."
- George W. Bush
(Related: Power, Afghanistan, Interest, Iraq, Liberty, Nation)
"I also know that there are a lot of people around the United States who want my husband to win and who are for him and who support our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I feel good about those people, too."
- Laura Bush
(Related: HusbPeople, Afghanistan, Iraq, states, Support, Troops, United, Want)
"When we look around the world today, when we see in Afghanistan that 10 million people have registered to vote in their upcoming elections, including 40 percent of those people are women, that's just unbelievable."
- Laura Bush
(Related: Women, People, Afghanistan, Elections, Today, Vote, World)
"The young patriots now returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other deployments worldwide are joining the ranks of veterans to whom America owes an immense debt of gratitude."
- Steve Buyer
(Related: War, Gratitude, Afghanistan, America, Debt, Iraq, Now, Veterans)
"That's driven by any number of factors, the most prominent of which have been the combat experience of two major campaigns - one in Afghanistan and the other in Iraq - and the ongoing demands of the global war on terrorism."
- Stephen Cambone
(Related: Experience, War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Terrorism)
"I think we need to just be very clear about what we're trying to do in Afghanistan. Frankly, we're not trying to create the perfect democracy. We're never going to create some ideal society. We are simply there for our own national security."
- David Cameron
(Related: Society, Afghanistan, Democracy, National security, Trying)
"Another part of the global war on terrorism that Canada and the United States are working on together is in helping failed states, states like Afghanistan, where people have no voice."
- Paul Cellucci
(Related: War, People, Afghanistan, Canada, states, Terrorism, United, Voice)
"Canada is preparing to play a major role in the continued stability and security of Afghanistan through ISAF."
- Paul Cellucci
(Related: Afghanistan, Canada, Play, Security, Stability)
"Since January 2002, when the United States began detaining at Guantanamo Bay enemy combatants captured in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other fronts in the war on terror, critics have complained of human rights abuses."
- Linda Chavez
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Enemy, Rights, Human rights, Iraq, states, Terror, United)
"Make no mistake, our troops will be in Afghanistan and Iraq for a long time."
- Jerry Costello
(Related: Time, Mistake, Afghanistan, Iraq, Troops, Will)
"It's interesting actually, what's gone on with that footage, and also what happened with the footage from the war in Afghanistan, is that our news reporting is pretty much along the lines of pornography now."
- Alex Cox
(Related: War, Afghanistan, News, Now, Pornography, Pretty)
"It's always a mistake for writers to key their submissions to world events, because they move so quickly and unpredictably, as has certainly proven the case in Afghanistan."
- Richard Curtis
(Related: Mistake, Afghanistan, Events, Key, World, Writers)
"Certainly the existence of these huge nuclear force was important for the ultimate confrontation, let's say, over western Europe. You just can't use them to deal with a situation like Afghanistan."
- Lloyd Cutler
(Related: Afghanistan, Europe, Existence, Force)
"The brave and capable women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have performed admirably."
- Susan Davis
(Related: Women, Afghanistan, Iraq)
"Many soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from serious, long-term, physical and mental health problems, due to their service. It is unconscionable to cut the already limited health care benefits available to these brave men and women."
- Mark Dayton
(Related: Health, Men, Women, Afghanistan, Benefits, Care, Iraq, Mental health, Problems, Service, Soldiers)
"The main thing that gives me hope is the media. We have radio, TV, magazines, and books, so we have the possibility of learning from societies that are remote from us, like Somalia. We turn on the TV and see what blew up in Iraq or we see conditions in Afghanistan."
- Jared Diamond
(Related: Hope, Possibility, Afghanistan, Books, Iraq, Learning, Media)
"Ataturk sent several Turkish staff officers to Afghanistan, helped them build their own army."
- Bulent Ecevit
(Related: Afghanistan, Army)
"But apart from the military measures, security measures, of course, Afghanistan needs great help for building up its social life, its economic life. It has become a very poor country, neglected for many years."
- Bulent Ecevit
(Related: Life, Afghanistan, Building, Country, Help, Military, Needs, Poor, Security, Years)
"But if too many countries, as has been the case, interfere too much in the internal affairs, the political situation of Afghanistan, then of course we can't hope satisfactory results."
- Bulent Ecevit
(Related: Hope, Afghanistan, Countries, Results)
"I suggested that we had experience in helping other countries build their military forces, and we would be willing and happy to do the same for Afghanistan, together with the United States."
- Bulent Ecevit
(Related: Experience, Afghanistan, Countries, Military, states, United)
"We have been helping, trying to help Afghanistan in many ways, even from the beginning of... the beginnings of the '20s, 1920s, when he we were fighting our own national struggle."
- Bulent Ecevit
(Related: Afghanistan, Beginning, Beginnings, Fighting, Help, Struggle, Trying)
"Obama is making a choice now that will lead to the deaths of many thousands of civilians in Afghanistan by American hands. By ordinary standards of presidents, he is a decent man. But those standards aren't good enough. He's in a position either to kill or not to kill, and he's made the decision to kill."
- Daniel Ellsberg
(Related: Decision, Afghanistan, American, Choice, Man, Now, Will)
"What President Bush did in his doctrine of preemptive strike and in his war in Afghanistan and in Iraq was to turn even his allies in Europe negatively toward America."
- Louis Farrakhan
(Related: War, Afghanistan, America, Doctrine, Europe, Iraq, President)
"The administration has a disturbing pattern of behavior when it comes to budgeting not only for the ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan but also for military requirements not directly related to these conflicts."
- Russ Feingold
(Related: Afghanistan, Behavior, Iraq, Military)
"An interim government was set up in Afghanistan. It included two women, one of whom was Minister of Women's Affairs. Man, who'd she have to show here ankles to to get that job?"
- Tina Fey
(Related: Government, Women, Afghanistan, Job, Man)
"India has been contributing very much to the reconstruction of Afghanistan; we are strongly engaged there."
- Joschka Fischer
(Related: Afghanistan)
"There's no country in the world that's more devastated from natural resources than Afghanistan."
- Jim Fowler
(Related: Afghanistan, Country, World)
"There is a difference between a military mission and the aspiration for the long-term plans for the country. What we want is a stable enough Afghanistan, able to look after its own security so we can leave without the fear of it imploding... But let's be clear - it's not going to be perfect."
- Liam Fox
(Related: Fear, Afghanistan, Country, Difference, Military, Mission, Security, Want)
"We are not in Afghanistan for the sake of the education policy in a broken 13th-century country. We are there so the people of Britain and our global interests are not threatened."
- Liam Fox
(Related: Education, People, Policy, Afghanistan, Country)
"We can't afford to see Afghanistan roll backwards into a failed state that could become a base from which terrorist campaigns can be launched anywhere in the world."
- Liam Fox
(Related: Afghanistan, State, World)
"Remember the rights of the savage, as we call him. Remember that the happiness of his humble home, remember that the sanctity of life in the hill villages of Afghanistan, among the winter snows, is as inviolable in the eye of Almighty God, as can be your own."
- William E. Gladstone
(Related: Happiness, Life, Home, God, Afghanistan, Eye, Rights, Winter)
"Where's the progress that we're going to see in Afghanistan? You have to keep public support both on the economy and the war or these things will really become troubling."
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
(Related: War, Progress, Afghanistan, Economy, Public, Support, Will)
"We ought to recognize that we have an offensive responsibility to take the war to the terrorists where they are. That responsibility has waned in the last year as military and intelligence resources were withdrawn from Afghanistan and Pakistan to be used in Iraq."
- Bob Graham
(Related: Intelligence, War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Military, Responsibility)
"I had earlier concluded that a war with Iraq would be a distraction from the successful and expeditious completion of our aims in Afghanistan. Now I had come to question whether the White House was telling the truth."
- Bob Graham
(Related: War, Truth, Successful, Afghanistan, Completion, Iraq, Now, Question)
"Gen. Tommy Franks told me the war was being compromised as specialized personnel and equipment were being shifted from Afghanistan to prepare for the war in Iraq - a war more than a year away."
- Bob Graham
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Being, Iraq)
"The misery in war-torn Afghanistan is reminiscent of images from the Thirty Years' War."
- Jurgen Habermas
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Misery, Years)
"Since the intervention in Afghanistan, we suddenly began to notice when, in political discussions, we found ourselves only among Europeans or Israelis."
- Jurgen Habermas
(Related: Afghanistan)
"We didn't do anything wrong, but among the lessons learned, given the magnitude of the problems we now face in Afghanistan, a major U.S. force on the ground would convince the world we were in for the long-haul recovery of a country devastated by 21 years of warfare."
- Alexander Haig
(Related: Afghanistan, Country, Force, Now, Problems, World, Wrong, Years)
"If today is anything like the typical day of the past 3 years, three American soldiers will die in Iraq or Afghanistan, the Taliban will get a little stronger in Afghanistan and the civil war will continue to be enhanced in Iraq."
- Alcee Hastings
(Related: War, Afghanistan, American, Day, Iraq, Past, Soldiers, Today, Will, Years)
"Cults, or related social movements such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, result in massive military expenses."
- Keith Henson
(Related: Afghanistan, Military, Result)
"Instead, we did take our eye off the ball. We decided, instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan, to go into Iraq. And today, unfortunately, if you look at the situation on the ground, it is a mess."
- Chris Van Hollen
(Related: Afghanistan, Eye, Iraq, Job, Today)
"In fact, if you look upon the situation today, there is great division in the world and we have failed to capitalize on that unity to finish the job in Afghanistan and against al Qaeda."
- Chris Van Hollen
(Related: Afghanistan, Fact, Job, Today, Unity, World)
"I'm also working with Mrs. Bush on some education projects in Afghanistan, so I get to see her a great deal."
- Karen Hughes
(Related: Education, Afghanistan, Projects)
"We had a couple of minor coups that made a big difference. We snared away from a competitor a correspondent already on the ground in Afghanistan. That was an enormous help to us, because there we were."
- Brit Hume
(Related: Afghanistan, Difference, Help)
"It's a tribal state, and it always will be. Whether we like it or not, whenever we withdraw from Afghanistan, whether it's now or years from now, we'll have an incendiary situation. Should we stay and play traffic cop? I don't think that serves our strategic interests."
- Jon Huntsman, Jr.
(Related: Afghanistan, Now, Play, State, Will, Years)
"It was essentially for self defence that we went to war in Afghanistan and would go to war in Iraq."
- Douglas Hurd
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Self)
"The true credit for our safety and security goes to our men and women who are serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan in the global war on terrorism."
- Asa Hutchinson
(Related: Men, War, Women, Afghanistan, Credit, Iraq, Safety, Security, Terrorism)
"We can be proud of our record as an international beacon of liberty. From fostering democracies in Eastern Europe to the stabilization of Iraq and Afghanistan, we have been true to that calling and helped spread freedom to oppressed peoples everywhere."
- Kay Bailey Hutchison
(Related: Afghanistan, Europe, Freedom, Iraq, Liberty)
"As we continue to make great progress in the war on terror, now more than ever, it is important that members of the international community stand-by and bolster the efforts of the emerging diplomatic leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan."
- James Inhofe
(Related: War, Progress, Afghanistan, Community, Iraq, Leaders, Now, Terror)
"I'm finding myself really angry over spending and the deficit. I'm finding myself really angry over what's happening in the Middle East, the decision to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. I'm angry about cap and trade. And I've been on record for a long time on the failed war on drugs."
- Gary Johnson
(Related: Time, War, Decision, Afghanistan, Drugs, Trade)
"Afghanistan is very satisfied with Croatia's participation in the NATO-led peace mission and expects Croatia to expand its contribution to peace restoration in Afghanistan to other areas as well."
- Hamid Karzai
(Related: Peace, Afghanistan, Mission, Participation)
"They're criminals, they brutalized Afghanistan, they killed our people, they destroyed our land."
- Hamid Karzai
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Land)
"Well, first, the situation in Afghanistan is much better than it was. But there is no comparison between Afghanistan and Iraq. Iraq has a bureaucracy, Iraq has wealth. Iraq has an educated class of people who are positioned to come in and take over."
- Peter King
(Related: People, Wealth, Afghanistan, Bureaucracy, Class, First, Iraq)
"As far as Iraq, the important thing is that the Taliban is gone in Afghanistan, three-quarters of the al-Qaida leadership is either dead or in jail, and we now have Saudi Arabia working with us, Pakistan working with us."
- Peter King
(Related: Leadership, Afghanistan, Iraq, Now)
"When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier."
- Rudyard Kipling
(Related: Women, Afghanistan, Jest)
"Clinton has more important things to worry about. He not only risks being destroyed historically, like Afghanistan's Buddha statues; he also could end up going to jail."
- Ed Koch
(Related: Afghanistan, Being, End, Worry)
"Our neighbor Canada has 2,200 troops serving in Afghanistan. Canada has also assumed responsibility for the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar, which was originally established by our own military."
- Tom Lantos
(Related: Afghanistan, Canada, Military, Responsibility, Troops)
"Like Afghanistan before it, Iraq is only one theater in a regional war. We were attacked by a network of terrorist organizations supported by several countries, of whom the most important were Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia."
- Michael Ledeen
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Countries, Iraq, Network, Theater)
"The terrorist attacks of September 11th and the courageous actions of our armed forces in Afghanistan and Iraq remind us that friends of tyranny and enemies of freedom still exist."
- Carl Levin
(Related: Actions, Afghanistan, Enemies, Freedom, Friends, Iraq, Tyranny)
"Let us also reflect on the honorable service of our men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces currently serving our country overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan, and around the world."
- John Linder
(Related: Men, Women, Afghanistan, Country, Iraq, Service, World)
"I understand why so many Americans were angry when I was first discovered in Afghanistan. I realize many still are, but I hope in time that feeling will change."
- John Walker Lindh
(Related: Change, Time, Hope, Afghanistan, Americans, Feeling, First, Will)
"In Afghanistan, this is the problem, because everybody holds a piece of that mirror, and they all look at it and claim that they hold the entire truth."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: Truth, Afghanistan)
"The Buddhas had to be destroyed by the Taliban to get the world thinking about Afghanistan."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: Afghanistan, Thinking, World)
"The question in their minds was, why did the outside world, and particularly the Western world, produce all these landmines, and send them to Afghanistan? This business must be stopped. It's a dirty business to produce such a horrible device."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: Business, Afghanistan, Question, World)
"There's an 800 kilometer border between Iran and Afghanistan."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: Afghanistan)
"From my films, you can at least learn about Iran, you can get a sense of the history and the society. But no such films have been made about Afghanistan, so you really can't know much about it."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: History, Society, Afghanistan, Sense)
"Do you know that every day, 10 people in Afghanistan are injured by landmines? It will continue for the next 50 years, because the country has the largest number of landmines in the world."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Country, Day, Will, World, Years)
"But also, there are no films being made about Afghanistan."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: Afghanistan, Being)
"Afghan society is very complex, and Afghanistan has a very complex culture. Part of the reason it has remained unknown is because of this complexity."
- Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(Related: Society, Afghanistan, Complexity, Culture, Reason)
"Last year I traveled to the Middle East to visit with troops in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan."
- Kenny Marchant
(Related: Afghanistan, Iraq, Troops, Visit)
"We are particularly interested in the mental health programs and policies that support our troops and their families before, during, and after deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan."
- John M. McHugh
(Related: Health, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mental health, Support, Troops)
"The president is being denounced for not taking the kind of pre-emptive action in Afghanistan that he has been so passionately denounced for taking in Iraq. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't."
- Ferdinand Mount
(Related: Action, Afghanistan, Being, Iraq, President)
"I think the central mission in Afghanistan right now is to protect the people, certainly, and that would be inclusive of everybody, and that in a, in an insurgency and a counterinsurgency, that's really the center of gravity."
- Michael Mullen
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Gravity, Mission, Now, Right)
"The mission - the overall mission is to dismantle and defeat and disrupt al-Qaeda. But we have to make sure there's not a safe haven that returns in Afghanistan."
- Michael Mullen
(Related: Afghanistan, Defeat, Mission)
"We haven't been out in many of these countries helping them build infrastructure. How would they look at us today if we had been there helping them with some of that, rather than just being the people who are going to bomb in Iraq and go to Afghanistan?"
- Patty Murray
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Being, Countries, Iraq, Today)
"A democratic and stable Iraq and Afghanistan are essential to our broader efforts to make no place safe for terrorists and to win the War on Terrorism."
- Ben Nelson
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Terrorism)
"You would have thought that after 9/11 the president would have finished the job in Afghanistan, and kept the focus on capturing Bin Laden and his al-Qaeda deputies, but he and his team gave top priority to their original plan to invade Iraq."
- Bill Nelson
(Related: Thought, Afghanistan, Focus, Iraq, Job, President)
"Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on terrorism have reduced the pace of military transformation and have revealed our lack of preparation for defensive and stability operations. This Administration has overextended our military."
- Barack Obama
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Military, Preparation, Stability, Terrorism)
"I am ready to sacrifice everything in completing the unfinished agenda of our noble jihad... until there is no bloodshed in Afghanistan and Islam becomes a way of life for our people."
- Mohammed Omar
(Related: Life, Sacrifice, People, Islam, Afghanistan)
"As for the United States' future in Afghanistan, it will be fire and hell and total defeat, God willing, as it was for their predecessors - the Soviets and, before them, the British."
- Mohammed Omar
(Related: God, Afghanistan, Defeat, Fire, Future, Hell, states, United, Will)
"We don't consider the battle has ended in Afghanistan... The battle has begun and its fires are picking up. These fires will reach the White House, because it is the center of injustice and tyranny."
- Mohammed Omar
(Related: Afghanistan, Battle, Injustice, Tyranny, Will)
"It matters not what your individual position is on either war we are currently prosecuting - in Iraq or Afghanistan - certainly we can all agree protesting at military funerals is a cruel and unnecessary hardship on our military families during their most difficult hour."
- Solomon Ortiz
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Funerals, Hardship, Iraq, Military)
"From the bitter cold winter at Valley Forge, to the mountains of Afghanistan and the deserts of Iraq, our soldiers have courageously answered when called, gone where ordered, and defended our nation with honor."
- Solomon Ortiz
(Related: Afghanistan, Honor, Iraq, Mountains, Nation, Soldiers, Winter)
"Our presence in Afghanistan is not worth the price of any more American lives or treasure."
- Camille Paglia
(Related: Afghanistan, American, Treasure, Worth)
"The people who illegally cross into the country are from countries that have very close ties to al Qaeda, whether it's Yemen or Afghanistan, Pakistan, China. It is an absolute national disgrace."
- Rick Perry
(Related: People, Afghanistan, Countries, Country, Disgrace)
"We're here so that Afghanistan does not once again become a sanctuary for transnational extremists the way it was when al-Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks in the Kandahar area, conducted the initial training for the attackers in training camps in Afghanistan before they moved on to Germany and then to U.S. flight schools."
- David Petraeus
(Related: Afghanistan, Germany, Schools, Training)
"Kids coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan deserve to come back to 21st century medical care."
- Anthony Principi
(Related: Medical, Afghanistan, Care, Iraq, Kids)
"We will not allow anyone to perform any terrorist acts inside or from Afghanistan against anyone. We are a free country where Osama is living as a guest. This is the reality and it is up to the world to accept it."
- Mohammad Rabbani
(Related: Afghanistan, Country, Guest, Living, Reality, Will, World)
"When al-Qaeda was on the run from Afghanistan crossing through Iran, some were arrested and they are imprisoned. Some of them are charged with some actions in Iran."
- Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
(Related: Actions, Afghanistan)
"The experts who managed the original Marshall Plan say Afghanistan needs a commitment of at least $5 to $10 billion over 5 to 10 years, coupled with occupation forces of 250,000 Allied soldiers to keep the peace throughout the country."
- Ted Rall
(Related: Peace, Afghanistan, Commitment, Country, Experts, Needs, Occupation, Soldiers, Years)
"Trying to rebuild Afghanistan on the cheap has left the country in the hands of warlords and an impotent Northern Alliance puppet regime that runs Kabul and nothing else."
- Ted Rall
(Related: Afghanistan, Alliance, Country, Nothing, Trying)
"We're in danger of breaking our army and preventing our national leaders from having the flexibility to confront not just Iraq and Afghanistan, but crises around the globe."
- Jack Reed
(Related: Afghanistan, Army, Danger, Flexibility, Iraq, Leaders)
"I believe that everyone can appreciate the right of a family to grieve the loss of a loved one in peace, regardless of anyone's position on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan."
- Dave Reichert
(Related: Family, War, Peace, Afghanistan, Iraq, Loss, Right)
"There's no doubt that it's still a dangerous place, Afghanistan. The fortunate thing is that the United States was helping to provide security for Chairman Karzai. And it shows that the United States is committed to that regime."
- Condoleezza Rice
(Related: Afghanistan, Doubt, Security, states, United)
"Now, al Qaeda's on the run. Afghanistan is no longer a base of operations. The Afghan government is a friendly government that is trying to bring democracy to its people."
- Condoleezza Rice
(Related: Government, People, Afghanistan, Democracy, Now, Trying)
"We can no longer apply the classic criteria to clearly determine whether and when we should use military force. We are waging war in Afghanistan, for example, but it's an asymmetrical war where the enemies are criminals instead of soldiers."
- Otto Schily
(Related: War, Afghanistan, Enemies, Example, Force, Military, Soldiers)
"Nevertheless, I do know that we are part of a danger zone, we have military operations in Afghanistan and we're training the Iraqi police force. The terrorists also have us in their sights."
- Otto Schily
(Related: Afghanistan, Danger, Force, Military, Police, Training, Zone)
"Even though the Bush campaign ad tells you that Afghanistan is a new democracy at the Olympics because of Bush's efforts, Afghanistan hasn't actually had an election."
- Peter Schuyler
(Related: Afghanistan, Democracy)
"We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It's in Afghanistan, it's in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it's in the United States."
- Tom Tancredo
(Related: Islam, Afghanistan, Fight, Numbers, Radical, states, United)
"The war being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq is bringing about a fundamental change to the environment that has given rise and power to the extremists who export terrorism."
- Craig L. Thomas
(Related: Change, Power, War, Afghanistan, Being, Environment, Iraq, Terrorism)
"Look at Iraq; look at Afghanistan, where at great personal physical risk people have gone to the polls and have rejected the appeal from Bin Laden and his allies to stay at home."
- Gijs de Vries
(Related: Home, People, Afghanistan, Iraq, Risk)
"We all know that, unfortunately, the media does not always portray the good things that are happening in Iraq and Afghanistan, and this will be a great opportunity for us to glean some information from the Iraqi women who are here for us to also take back to our constituents."
- Ginny B. Waite
(Related: Women, Opportunity, Afghanistan, Information, Iraq, Media, Will)
"Over this August district work period, like many of my colleagues, I spent a lot of time with the men and women in uniform from my home State. The 196th Field Artillery Brigade just got back from a year in Afghanistan."
- Zach Wamp
(Related: Home, Men, Time, Women, Work, Afghanistan, State)
"Lasting peace and security in Iraq and Afghanistan will be achieved when we establish the conditions for democratic, economically viable nations."
- John Warner
(Related: Peace, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nations, Security, Will)
"No one talked about the fact that in this year under the Obama administration you've seen the highest casualties in Afghanistan. And the fact that it took him almost 90 days to figure out what his strategy is going to be was absolutely appalling."
- Allen West
(Related: Strategy, Afghanistan, Fact)
"Now I'm doing a film festival for kids and writing a script about a kidnapped journalist in Afghanistan."
- Olivia Wilde
(Related: Afghanistan, Film, Kids, Now, Writing)
"The big nest was in Afghanistan, thats not quite cleared, then there are nests in the Philippines, there are nests in Indonesia, the Malaysians are clearing up their nests."
- Lee Kuan Yew
(Related: Afghanistan)