Quotes and Sayings about Quakers



"Should slavery be abolished there, (and it is an event, which, from these circumstances, we may reasonably expect to be produced in time) let it be remembered, that the Quakers will have had the merit of its abolition."
- Thomas Clarkson
(Related: Circumstances, May, Merit, Quakers, Slavery, Will)

"Our Quakers love us. we're big with the Quakers. It's all about cleanliness."
- Kyan Douglas
(Related: Love, Cleanliness, Quakers)

"If I could believe the Quakers banned music because church music is so damn bad, I should view them with approval."
- Ezra Pound
(Related: Music, Church, Approval, Quakers)

"Look at the Quakers - they were excellent business people that never lied, never stole; they cared for their employees and the community which gave them the wealth. They never took more money out than they put back in."
- Anita Roddick
(Related: Business, Money, People, Wealth, Community, Employees, Quakers)

"I am still looking for the modern equivalent of those Quakers who ran successful businesses, made money because they offered honest products and treated their people decently... This business creed, sadly, seems long forgotten."
- Anita Roddick
(Related: Business, Money, People, Successful, Quakers)

"Quakers almost as good as colored. They call themselves friends and you can trust them every time."
- Harriet Tubman
(Related: Time, Trust, Friends, Quakers)