Helmut Kohl Quotes

"The Christian Democrats always made you feel like the poor relation."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Christian, Democrats, Poor)

"We were united not only by political respect for each other, but also by deep mutual sympathy as people."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Sympathy, People, Deep, Respect, United)

"The army is under orders to defend every place."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Army)

"I have been underestimated for decades. I have done very well that way."
- Helmut Kohl
"For me it is completely clear that our air bases in Germany would be available to the Americans."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Americans, Germany)

"George Bush was for me the most important ally on the road to German unity."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Road, Unity)

"You didn't just pay lip service to the goal of overcoming the division of Europe and Germany... Rather, you put yourself at the forefront of those who encouraged us on the way to unity."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Goal, Europe, Germany, Overcoming, Service, Unity)

"Peace must be more than the absence of war."
- Helmut Kohl
(Related: Peace, War, Absence)