Jim Dine Quotes

"I have come to terms with a lot of things, because, when all's said and done, there's really very little one can do about a lot of things. You just accept them. The point is you just have to keep on working and you just have to keep on living."
- Jim Dine
(Related: Living)

"I've never had an easy relationship with critics. I hold a lot of homicide in my heart. If this was another time, I'd be packing a piece."
- Jim Dine
(Related: Time, Heart)

"My attitude towards drawing is not necessarily about drawing. It's about making the best kind of image I can make, it's about talking as clearly as I can."
- Jim Dine
(Related: Attitude, Talking)

"The figure is still the only thing I have faith in in terms of how much emotion it's charged with and how much subject matter is there."
- Jim Dine
(Related: Faith, Emotion)

"Western art is built on the biographical passion of one artist for another."
- Jim Dine
(Related: Art, Artist, Passion)