Rob Morrow Quotes

"These are classic, perennial ideals we are dealing with."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Ideals)

"It's a good time to be making movies, despite the cynicism people have about Hollywood."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Time, Movies, People, Cynicism, Hollywood)

"If it awakens in us as a whole how important that is - the theme of how conquest and ambition are meaningless without contribution - I think then as a society we're in better shape. I hope people are inspired to be the best."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Society, People, Hope, Ambition, Conquest)

"I'd like to think that the notion of inspiration will transcend cultural things that are going on. There's something classic about this movie that I'm hoping reaches kids."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Inspiration, Kids, Will)

"I see lots of cycles, for sure. There's the whole post-Star Wars era, but I don't think it's the whole story."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Post)

"I love the idea of rectitude."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Love, Idea, Rectitude)

"I learned a lot about morality from fiction, from movies."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Movies, Morality, Fiction)

"I consider myself a student of Hollywood."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Hollywood)

"College on for sure... I'm scared to say it cause it sounds like a family movie, but if my kid was 7, 8, 9 I would take her to this quickly and gladly!"
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Family, Cause, College)

"I'm into the idea of responsibility and edification and these things have found me and I have found them. I wanted to be in the movie and I made it known to Mike."
- Rob Morrow
(Related: Idea, Responsibility)